Little Tern

Misty rain for most of the day had all the possibility of interesting birds which did materialise  early on and late in the day!

First up, a Little Tern was present early on Woodend Marsh viewed from the public footpath signage next to 'Wheatear Field'. It wasn't seen to leave but wasn't obviously present for the rest of the day. Only a handful of records for the reserve of this very coastal species.

Little Tern at about 500m
Little Tern at about 500m

Late in the day some new arrivals included Yellow Wagtail on Woodend Marsh, Marsh Harrier, an imm bird and the first the 20th April and Greenshank, which may have been hiding out on Doehyles Marsh but wasn't present for most of the day so perhaps a new bird.

On the wader front an exodus of the recent Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher with newly hatched chicks from the Ron Barker Hide, Ringed Plover there too. At least 40+ Avocet, 10+ Ruff, 9 Black-tailed Godwit, 10+ Redshank, 20+ Lapwing, Little Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin and opposite the reserve Golden Plover.

Seven Wheatear in 'Wheatear Field', Grasshopper Warbler reeling next to the UU Hide and plenty of assorted warbler singing along the Reed Bed Walk and further on (see recent sightings).

Barn Owl early on and Tawny Owl again. Two Great-crested Grebe from the Harrier Hide.

Again over 80 species present on the reserve.


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