Marsh Harriers

The reserve is full of birds at the moment with many more potentially to arrive depending on the severity of the winter, performing well at the moment are at least 5 Marsh Harriers today including prolonged views of one juvenile bird which waited patiently while a Buzzard had finished with it's prey before the Marsh Harrier got it's fill. It made a strange sight as it waited right alongside the Mallards at the edge of the Mere.

Juvenile Marsh Harrier waiting for the left overs from a Buzzards meal (Video grab: T. Disley)
Juvenile Marsh Harrier waiting for the left overs from a Buzzards meal (Video grab: T. Disley)

One of 5 Marsh Harriers performing well today (Video grab: T. Disley)
One of 5 Marsh Harriers performing well today (Video grab: T. Disley)

Other raptors today included a Merlin, 2 Peregrine (ad + juv), several Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Among the 1000+ Lapwing today were 3 Golden Plover in Plover field where else :) Still lots of Snipe and a few Black-tailed Godwits in the area. A couple of Raven were seen and a Water Rail was heard 'squealing' by Ron Barker Hide. The Kingfisher was showing well from here.

Thousands of Pink-footed Geese coming in this evening, also 600+ Whooper Swan on the Mere.

Martin Mere Map

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