Med Gull and Lapwings

A barmy 14˚c this morning with light winds before an obvious change in weather as the wind increased and a late heavy shower came through.

Mammatus clouds at dusk yesterday
Mammatus clouds at dusk yesterday

Spectacular numbers of Lapwing still on the reserve with at least 3000 birds in the air as assorted raptors, large gulls and Grey Heron cause disturbances. Eight Oystercatcher only point towards spring arrivals, if it stays mild we could see a record early arrival of Avocet. Other waders included 50+ Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Common Snipe and a Redshank yesterday.

Mammatus clouds early afternoon!
Mammatus clouds early afternoon!

The aforementioned raptors were 2+ Marsh Harrier, 5+ Common Buzzard, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and excellent close views of Kestrel from the Ron Barker Hide in the same area as the Barn Owl. Close by 2 Tawny Owl.

A bit of afternoon sun on the Mere
A bit of afternoon sun on the Mere

A 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull present with the gull roost on Vinson's and Sunley's Marsh is the first of the year.

Over 1000 Whooper Swan and 3000+ Pink-footed Geese coming into roost.

A female Blackcap was seen near the sustainable garden also 2 Redpoll and 2 Fieldfare.


Apologies for the map photo quality! Will try harder tomorrow.

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