Meds & Mink

A Spotted Redshank was reported from UU hide today, also several Curlew were using the reserve alone with the usual 75 Ruff, 10 Redshank, 20 Black-tailed Godwit. At least 4 Mediterranean Gulls were around the Mere in the afternoon along with at least 4 Common Gull.

Tawny Owl near the Kingfisher Hide (Bob Hurrell)
Tawny Owl near the Kingfisher Hide (Bob Hurrell)

At least 2 Chiffchaff were seen and heard on site today and there are still 197 Whooper Swans around the Mere this afternoon.

The Tawny Owl was sat out in the sun in the usual spot near the Kingfisher hide. And a Mink was photographed from Ron Barker hide this morning.

Mink near the Ron Barker Hide (Bob Hurrell)
Mink near the Ron Barker Hide (Bob Hurrell)

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