Migration and Murmurations

A calm day with great visibility. Some big flocks of Pink-footed Geese coming onto the reserve from midday day onward. Three Barnacle Geese were in among the flocks. Yesterday's co-ordinated goose count in Lancashire produced 94000 Pink-footed Geese.

The single Bewick's Swan flew in around midday with Whooper Swan.

Waders included 9 late Avocet, Green Sandpiper, 500+ Lapwing, 47 Ruff and some Common Snipe.

A good count of Marsh Harrier with 5 different birds present. Jay in the Waterfowl Gardens. Kingfisher and Water Rail again from the Ron Barker Hide.

Yesterday 15 Siskin and 5 Redpoll south over the Reedbed Walk. A flock of c25 Fieldfare flew over the reserve.

The Starling flock is building nicely with c15,000 coming into roost on the Reedbed viewed from the Reedbed Walk. Barn Owl at dusk.

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Map as yesterday

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