Minus 3

Harrier Hide view this morning
Harrier Hide view this morning

Cold this morning with temperatures down to minus 3 degrees. So cold that frost appeared on some of the roosting Lapwing. We've not seen that here since the winter of 2010-11 were temperatures dropped to an amazing -20°c. Many of the water bodies around the reserve partially froze concentrating the wildfowl in those areas.

Reedbed Walk
Reedbed Walk at Sun Rise

Around 1000 Whooper Swan around the reserve with most on the Mere. Some confusion on their part as birds came into land on frozen surfaces. A count of 34 Pochard on the Mere. It's this weekend when you can count the ratio of male to female Pochard and help science. See counting Pochard sex ratio here.

The early morning sun soon disappeared under high cloud cover before turning into some sleety showers before the end of the day. Before that Barn Owls were out hunting and the usual Tawny Owl(s) were in place. Raptor sightings were limited to 2 Marsh Harrier, 2 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

Hoar Frost
Hoar Frost

At least 6 Redpoll and 5 Siskin seen around the reserve, especially feeding on Alder Cones, including in the Car Park.

Perhaps due to the lack of Peregrine action the Lapwing were less active although 50+ Ruff and Oystercatcher were seen today.

A Kingfisher was seen from the United Utilities Hide and a Stoat from the Ron Barker Hide.


Worth noting that a drake American Wigeon was found on the Ribble at Hesketh Out Marsh today. Always possible that one could turn up here!

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