More Avocet

A compilation of sightings from the past few days with Monday being the best weather wise. The inexorable rise of Avocet numbers continues with 41 birds today. They tend to spend time sleeping at the back of the Mere and feeding on Vinson's/Sunley's Marsh.

Some of the 41 Avocet now present.
Some of the 41 Avocet now present.

Lapwing numbers are dropping back with around 500 birds, other counts included 45 Black-tailed Godwit, 40+ Ruff, 40+ Oystercatcher, Redshank and 5+ Common Snipe. What sounded like the distant call of a Curlew wasn't confirmed although we can expect these birds to start passing through any day now.

Black-tailed Godwit with developing breeding plumage on 'in focus island'

The Whooper Swan and general wildfowl numbers are dropping back too. No specific counts although it's not too late to see impressive numbers of these birds.

Pintail showing well from the in focus shop
Pintail showing well from the in focus shop

Raptor reports included 6+ Common Buzzard, 3 Marsh Harrier, Merlin, 2 Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Barn and Tawny Owls on Monday at least.

Stock Doves feeding on Top Mere, Tree Sparrows active near the Raines Observatory and Kingfisher Hides. Corn Bunting singing along the public footpath towards Mere Sands Wood opposite the reserve.

Continued thanks to everyone sharing the bird sightings they have seen with us at in focus which helps to make this page work.


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