More Pink-feet

A lovely day on the reserve with windless conditions. Further influx of Pink-footed Geese with 5000+ coming in onto the reserve. Local birds which have been in for a while tend to move around at low altitude, whereas new birds coming in tend to come in from high.

The Mere late afternoon. Most of the Pink-footed Geese are viewed from the Ron Barker Hide
The Mere late afternoon. Most of the Pink-footed Geese are viewed from the Ron Barker Hide

Five Whooper swan in flight including a newly arrived ringed bird YCV which was ringed for the first time in late winter this year.

Some big flocks of Lapwing around the reserve with at least 1000 birds present joined by 2000+ Starling and 25+ Ruff spinning around in flight flushed by Peregrine, 3 Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard, 3 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel.

As usual Kingfisher in front of the Ron Barker Hide. A Stoat showed well there being harassed by a Magpie. A few Skylark, Meadow Pipit and wagtails on the move today.

Tree Sparrows active around the Raines Observatory.

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