More Spring

A couple of new arrivals with Blackcap yesterday (and today) singing along the nature trail and Willow Warbler today with 3 different birds singing around the reserve. We can expect Sedge, Reed and Grasshopper Warbler in the near future.

A 3rd year(?) male Marsh Harrier on the Reedbed this morning and at the back of the mere this afternoon was probably the same bird seen off the reserve on Saturday. At least 10 Common Buzzard, 4 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

Waders present included 54 Avocet, 70+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Oystercatcher, 10+ Redshank, 15+ Ruff, Dunlin and Common Snipe.

Belated news from thursday of a Bittern seen in flight from the Ron Barker Hide.

If you do see anything you think is interesting do pop into the in focus shop and report it. We'd much rather have something reported a few times than not mentioned at all!

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