More Waders

Continuing to look excellent for wader passage over the next few days.

This morning's rain moved through by 11am but not before dropping in 8 Turnstone on the Mere. Unfortunately 30 seconds later they were flushed by a low flying Helicopter. The highest previous count of this mostly coastal wader was 4 birds in August 2002.

Turnstone have been shown to do a yearly round trip migration of 27,000 km after one had a geolocator attached and recovered.

Six of the 8 Turnstone briefly resting on the Mere
Six of the 8 Turnstone briefly resting on the Mere

Once the weather had cleared through the Temminck's Stint reappeared along the back edge of Sunley's Marsh early afternoon but no sign later on. Double figure Dunlin present and a 6 migrant Ringed Plover.

At least 14 tiny Avocet chicks counted today including newly hatched birds on the Mere. Two Little Ringed Plover on Woodend Marsh.

Cuckoo seen again from the Janet Kear Hide. Two Great Crested Grebe still in front of the Harrier Hide. Male Yellow Wagtail right of the Ron Barker Hide.

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