New Scrape

New Scrape viewed from the UU Hide over looking the Mere
New Scrape viewed from the UU Hide over looking the Mere

Exciting times ahead as two new scrapes are added to the reserve. Those with long memories will know that the areas involved were once open areas of water but over the years they silt up and plant growth encroaches and eventually they become woodland not wetland! It will take some time for thing's to settle in. If you see any birds using this new scrape come and report the sightings at the in focus shop.

A brief update. Wood Sandpiper in front of the Harrier Hide this afternoon. Common Sandpiper on the Mere. Other waders included 350+ Lapwing, 14 Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, 30+ Ruff and 15+ Common Snipe.

Common Sandpiper on the Mere
Common Sandpiper on the Mere

Good numbers of Teal (400+) and a few Wigeon new in. At least 25 Shoveler, 10+ Gadwall and 15+ Tufted Duck.

Juvenile female Ruff (far left) with Wigeon
Juvenile female Ruff (far left) with Wigeon

Yellow Wagtail briefly in front of the in focus shop. Two Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hide. Willow Warbler in a mixed tit flock along the Nature Trail.

Just north of the reserve Osprey at Hesketh Out Marsh ~3pm then headed south but not seen at Martin Mere unfortunately.

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Click on Map to enlarge

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