New Whoopers

A small influx of Whooper Swan this morning with 11 birds flying onto the Mere. The first two adult Common Shelduck for a few months flew in late afternoon. The Shelduck numbers can peak at over 1000. The Pink-footed Goose count was ~ 30000 in the morning roost count.

Six of the 11 Whooper Swan fresh in today
Six of the 11 Whooper Swan fresh in today

Great raptor action with 2 Peregrine tussling with up to 4 Marsh Harrier, also 4+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel.

Five Avocet are the first since the beginning August. Occasionally Avocet come through as late as November.  At least 30 Ruff present, 600+ Lapwing, a few Black-tailed Godwit and Common Snipes.

Map as yesterday


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