
Bird of the day must go to the Nuthatch (a rare bird on site) which was on the bird table near the toilets past the Raines Hide this morning, hopefully it will stick around.

A few new birds appeared today with the change in weather, at least 2 Greenshank maybe 3 birds involved, also 2 juv Ringed Plover. A Green Sandpiper was seen from Harrier Hide. Good numbers of Lapwings with at least 500, also at least 20+ Ruff.

Lots of Teal now building up with around 250 on the Mere this morning, also 3 Pintail were watched dropping in from up high this morning. A flock of 9 Pink-footed Geese were seen. Still up to 3 Little Grebe from Harrier Hide.

Up to 2 juvenile Peregrine were seen along with Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard.

We are still having problems uploading photo's to the site - hopefully this will be resolved soon.

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