
Nuthatch calling between the new Discovery Hide and the Raines Observatory is new for the year. Although Nuthatch is recorded annually on the reserve it is still a note worthy bird. The  first record was just over 10 years ago in December 2005. Currently the year list is over 80 species a good start!

Wintry shower approaching the Mere

A brief early scan from the Ron Barker Hide produced 2000+ Teal. Brilliant to hear these birds doing their whistling displays. The Ron Barker Hide is also best for close views of Barn Owl. Two Tawny Owl roosting close by.

Three Marsh Harrier today, Peregrine, 4 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Locally a ringed tailed Hen Harrier was seen close by at Downholland Moss today. This maybe different to the individual being seen out on the Ribble.

A couple of thousand Pink-footed Geese on the reserve early afternoon.

Tree Sparrows near the Raines Observatory and Kingfisher Hides.





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