Officially Spring

Bucking the forecast, today was mostly sunny and rather pleasant in the sun for the first day of spring. Would have been nice to have seen the first Sand Martin today but fine weather isn't the best for turning up these birds early on.

A pair of adult breeding plumage Mediterranean Gull were on the Mere late morning to early afternoon.

Sleeping Med Gulls
Sleeping Med Gulls

Merlin again was the pick of the raptors with a single bird seen from the Ron Barker Hide. Two Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

On the wader front 6 Curlew flew over the Mere this morning, 40+ Ruff showing well from the Discovery Hide, Black-tailed Godwit there too. Lapwing, Avocet, Oystercatcher and Redshank seen but no counts.

The single Bewick's Swan on the Mere late morning with c.300 Whooper Swan.

A pair of Mistle Thrush in the overflow car park early on and later.


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