
The first Osprey for 3 years east over the reserve mid morning for one lucky observer! April is the peak month for Osprey passage through Lancashire so keep your eyes peeled.

Plenty of spring activity with a number of new species recorded for the year list. Quite an influx of Willow Warbler today with 4 birds across the reserve heard singing by the Kingfisher Hide, Harrier Hide and two near the Sewage Works. The first Wheatear (two male and a female) in fields beyond the end of the Reed Bed Walk with a flock of ~60 Meadow Pipit. Close by a male Yellowhammer also new for the year, although this species is present all year.

Distant Yellowhammer
Distant digiscoped Yellowhammer

An excellent count of 80 Avocet around the reserve, 44 Black-tailed Godwit, 25 Oystercatcher, 10 Redshank, 20+ Ruff, 20+ Lapwing, Curlew and Common Snipe.

Most of the wildfowl numbers have dropped back except for an increase in Shoveler with an excellent count of 48 birds, although way short of the record 226 seen here in October 1990. Still 16 flying Whooper Swan and 100+ Pink-footed Geese the later showing very well from the Hale Hide midday.

Apart from Osprey raptors included 2 Marsh Harrier, 8+ Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. A Barn Owl was hunting c.10am on the Carum Field.

Again double figure Chiffchaff scattered around the reserve and more Sand Martin passing through.

Other birds seen today included singing Corn Bunting opposite the reserve, 2 Water Rail at the back of Vinson's Marsh, 3 Little Egret and 2+ adult breeding Med Gull on the Mere.


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