
First Peregrine for a few weeks when an imm/juv female zipped through the reserve mid afternoon. Marsh Harrier still present regularly seen from the Harrier Hide but also around the reserve. At least 8 Common Buzzard (some distant), 3 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Waders included 150+ Lapwing, 40+ Black-tailed Godwit and small numbers of Ruff, Oystercatcher, Avocet, Redshank, Ringed Plover and Little Ringed Plover.

Kingfisher, Little Egret, Great-crested and Little Grebe all from the Harrier Hide.

Good numbers of Swift feeding over the reserve with 70+ visible at times. At this time of year classic migration spots like Spurn at the East Yorkshire coast log 1000's of Swift moving South.

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