
Just a hint of what is to come today as small groups of Pink-footed Geese dropped in from high bringing the count to over 700 birds on the reserve. This time last year we had closer to 8,000! More gaps in the weather this week should provide opportunities for more geese to arrive.

A skein of Pink-footed Geese newly arriving from Iceland
A skein of Pink-footed Geese newly arriving from Iceland

A female Garganey was discovered from the Ron Barker Hide this morning. Sometimes not the easiest birds to pick out of the 500+ Teal flock.

Garganey - picture by p smith
Garganey - picture by p smith

Raptors included Marsh Harrier (1+), Peregrine, 5+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and at least 3 Sparrowhawk.

Common Snipe were showing well on the Mere in between Sparrowhawk flushes. At least 400 Lapwing, 40+ Ruff and Green Sandpiper.

Four Grey Wagtail in front of the in focus shop. Meadow Pipit briefly on one of the Mere islands. Kingfisher(s) from the Ron Barker Hide.


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