Pink-feet in the Sun

Further arrivals of Pink-footed Geese in the past couple of days with perhaps as many as 10,000 birds roosting on the reserve. Some great views to be had of these birds relaxing in the sun after their long journey.

Pink-footed Geese loafing in the sun from the Ron Barker Hide
Pink-footed Geese loafing in the sun from the Ron Barker Hide

Great weather for viewing raptors of late with 4 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 8+ Common Buzzard, 3 Sparrowhawk and 3 Kestrel.

A limited wader selection although 1000+ Lapwing is always a spectacle, 30+ Ruff and 20+ Common Snipe.

Three Little Grebe showing well from the Hale Hide catching Sticklebacks.

Young Little Grebe from the Hale Hide
Young Little Grebe from the Hale Hide

Chiffchaffs active along the Nature Trail also Goldcrest, Blackcap in mixed tit flocks there.

Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Wagtails still on the move south.

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