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Hand feeding announcement

We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Still excellent at the moment for birds of prey with a juvenile Peregrine showing very well on and off all day, still at least 1 female Merlin, 3+ Marsh Harrier also several Common Buzzard including a pale bird and the usual Kestrel and Sparrowhawk sightings. A Barn Owl has been hunting around the far side of the Mere the last two afternoons as well.

Still a few Goldeneye being seen around the reserve, mainly on the Mere. A good count of 100 Common Snipe and 2 Jack Snipe in the flooded field at the end of the Community Reedbed Walk, also up to 3 Corn Bunting in this area.

A Mediterranean Gull was seen yesterday from Harrier Hide.

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