Recent sightings

A round up of sightings in recent days include a probable Jack Snipe flushed from the edge of Langleys brook viewed from Ron Barker Hide, also 15+ Common Snipe around the reserve. At least 6 Black tailed Godwit in recent days and a single Dunlin today and yesterday.

A Water Rail was seen to run across the path by Gladstone Hide on Thursday trying to get through the fence into the collection, before realising it couldn't fit through and running back into the reed bed by Gladstone Hide. The kingfisher is still showing on and off from Ron Barker hide. Good numbers of Whooper Swans over the last few days have been using the reserve, with at least 900 around the Mere. At least 5000 Pink footed Geese have been coming into roost each evening to roost on the Mere.

The aberrant or Hybrid Wigeon is still present on top Mere today with good numbers of Wigeon and Teal. A female Merlin was seen late yesterday and a juvenile Peregrine has been seen the last two days. Still at least 1 Marsh Harrier in the area and several Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Small numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare can be seen around the reserve and 3 Mistle Thrush were by the exit gate today. Two Stonechat are still present and Treecreeper, 2 Goldcrest and Coal Tit were seen today.

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