Recent Sightings

With the cold frosty weather over the last few days have seen some fabulous sights with some stunning light, and great sunsets! New birds have appeared as well, a noticeable influx of Black-tailed Godwit, with around 300 birds present over the last few days. Also 1-2 Redshank, 20+ Snipe and a single Golden Plover roosting with the Lapwing on Ice on the Mere on Monday morning. At least 74 Ruff were counted on Monday, a Woodcock was flushed by reserve wardens out on Dohyles on the western edge of the reserve today.

Sunset at the Mere (T. Disley)
Sunset at the Mere (T. Disley)

Still a 1000 Whooper Swan and small numbers of Pink-footed Geese, lots of Greylag Geese with the Bar-headed Goose still being seen today. Yesterday a Little Egret flew over Curlew Lane in the morning and presumably the same bird was seen on site. At least 1 Peregrine and 1 fem Marsh Harrier have been seen the last few days. The Kingfisher has been showing very well in the usual spot in front of the Ron barker Hide, also Little Grebe there as well.

Both Pied & Grey Wagtail can be seen or heard around the reserve at the moment, also Song Thrush, Fieldfare and Redwing. At least 2-3 Stonechat can still be found out on the fenceposts. Great spotted Woodpecker, Coal Tit, Long tailed Tits and Tree Sparrows can be found on many of the feeding stations. A few Goldcrests can also be found along with Treecreeper. No further sightings of the Bewick's Swan but it could well be seen again hopefully.

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