Recent Sightings

Some late breeders or a second brood of Avocet chicks has appeared on Woodend Marsh viewed from UU hide, also up to 3 Common Sandpiper around at the moment but the Godwit numbers have dropped in recent days with just 7 being seen today.

Up to 3 Common Sandpiper can be seen on the reserve at the moment (photo: T. Disley)
Up to 3 Common Sandpiper can be seen on the reserve at the moment (photo: T. Disley)

A Cuckoo was reported from Ron Barker hide today along with sightings of Kingfisher and fem Marsh Harrier. The Little Egret is still being seen from Harrier Hide, also 4 Little Grebe and 2 Great Crested Grebe there at the moment as well as the usual Tufted Duck and Pochard.

At least 2 immature Peregrine are in the area still and yesterday evening a Yellow Wagtail was seen along the nearby Curlew Lane.

Still good numbers of Southern Hawkers being seen around the reserve.

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