Recent Sightings

We now have 2 Cuckoo's (adult & juv) on view from Ron Barker Hide though both can go missing for lengthy periods, best looked for in the bushes along the left hand side of Vinson's (the left hand of the two pools straight out). Still up to 10 Little Ringed Plover today as well as 2 Dunlin, 12+ Ruff, 300+ Lapwing, several Snipe, 2 Oystercatcher. Also still 2 adult Avocet with 2-3 chicks on view from UU Hide.

A video grab of the Bittern on Wednesday evening from Kingfisher Hide (T. Disley)
A video grab of the Bittern with a small fish on Wednesday from Kingfisher Hide (T. Disley)

A family of Mistle Thrush are very obvious at the moment being seen regularly on the area where the new hide is being built or in the car park area. Kingfishers are still being seen but patience is needed to be rewarded with some great views.

Juvenile Cuckoo from Ron Barker Hide (T. Disley)
Juvenile Cuckoo from Ron Barker Hide (T. Disley)

The Bittern hasn't been seen since Wednesday evening but it did go missing on Monday and Tuesday before re-appearing early Wednesday and showing on and off all day long - so hopefully it will re-appear.

Other sightings in recent days have included ad Golden Plover in with the Lapwing flock, Little Egret has been on and off from Harrier Hide, a flock of 11 Dunlin, at least 2 immature Peregrine, up to 2 Marsh Harrier, a family party of Raven with up to 5 birds being seen, Godwit numbers have dropped off but up to 15+ birds have been seen in recent days. Gold crests inc juveniles and jus of Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler have been seen around the reserve.

presumed Broad-Leaved Helleborine (T. Disley)
presumed Broad-Leaved Helleborine (T. Disley)

Still quite a few Southern Hawkers can be seen along the path, also a helleborine species (a type of Orchid), presumed to be Broad-leaved Helleborine can be seen by the collection fence beyond Swan Link Hide.

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