Recent Sightings

A lovely fresh juvenile Wood Sandpiper was a new bird in today, favouring Vinson's Marsh viewed from Ron Barker Hide. Plenty of Ruff too, with quite a few juveniles, also at least 6 Dunlin (adults & juvs), 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, several Snipe and 300+ Lapwing. The 3 Green Sandpiper were in the Harrier Hide complex of pools yesterday.

Wood Sandpiper on Vinson's Marsh (photo: T. Disley)
Wood Sandpiper on Vinson's Marsh (photo: T. Disley)

Three Marsh Harriers (2 sub ad brown females & fresh dark juvenile), at least 1 Peregrine around today, while yesterday the 2 Hobbies were seen mid afternoon again hunting dragonflies and butterflies out over the fields.

Lots of Warblers along the reedbed walk including Willow Warblers and Chiffchaff, plenty of Sedge and Reed Warbler. The family of Little Grebe still from Harrier Hide also Barn Owl there.

Southern Hawker
Southern Hawker resting on the collection fence near Swan Link Hide (photo: T. Disley)



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