Redstart new for the year.

A chilly winds from the North and clear skies aren't the best for producing birds coming to summer in the UK but we are in the heart of this migration so the arrival of a couple of new species for the year shouldn't be so surprising.

Bird of the day was a cracking male Common Redstart in the Long Hedge beyond the Sewage Works at the end of the Reed Bed Walk. Redstart are almost annual but mostly only single observer sightings. Just beyond there 10, possibly more Wheatear, a good count here.

Female Wheatear. One of at least 10 present this morning
Wheatear (female). One of at least 10 present this morning

Next new species was Common Tern. Very much annually recorded and last year successfully bred for the first time. A single bird was out on Woodend Marsh. Is this one of the returning adults to breed again? The Martin Mere year list is now on 133 species.

Today's waders included 2 Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 40+ Avocet, 20+ Black-tailed Godwit, 10+ Ruff, 20+ Lapwing and single figure counts of Redshank and Oystercatcher, also Ringed Plover.

Five Mediterranean Gull (2 pair and 2nd summer) mostly on the Mere with Black-headed Gulls.

Warblers were well represented with Grasshopper Warbler reeling near the Sewage Works, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Sedge, Reed and Willow Warbler all in song and Chiffchaff.

Tawny Owl between the Janet Kear and UU Hides. Corn Bunting singing on Marsh Moss Lane. The Great-crested Grebe pair is still in front of the Harrier Hide.

If you need directions or would like know whats being seen on the day of your visit please pop into the in focus shop next to the new Discovery Hide.

Also if you have seen anything please do the same as it's the quickest way of disseminating the news to visitors on the day.

Belated news from yesterday a report of a male Brambling between the Gladstone and Janet Kear Hides.


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