Ruff and Curlew Sandpipers

The Curlew Sandpipers are both still present on the Mere and today were feeding with 4 Ruff (1 male & 3 female), the male Ruff was at times displaying to the females, a rare opportunity to see the display. Four Black-tailed Godiwt around today and also up to 6 Little Ringed Plover around the site including birds on the Mere. At least 17 Avocet chicks counted today. Other waders include the usual Lapwing, Oystercatcher and Redshank.

Male Ruff on the Mere today in the heat haze (T. Disley)
Male Ruff on the Mere today in the heat haze (T. Disley)

Still 2 Little Egrets on site usually from UU hide or Harrier Hide, also the Cuckoo was heard calling in the reedbed walk area this morning. The 2 Common Tern are still on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide.

Pochard with 5 ducklings from UU Hide, also the Great Crested Grebes out from Harrier Hide. Lots of Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Whitethroats singing around the reserve.

Skylarks, Linnets and Stock Doves easy to see around the site. Also Brown Hares are normally out in the fields or around the edges of some of the pools. Plenty of Carp to see being particularly active at the moment on the Mere, thrashing about in the water.

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