Scaup and Short-eared Owl

Apologies for the lack of updates caused by a computer problem on Wednesday. This is a bit of a compilation of sightings.

Today's bird(s) of the day were two female Scaup which were picked up on the Mere early afternoon before flying towards the Ron Barker Hide. These are the first records here for 3 years.

There they go... A brief visit of Scaup.
There they go... a brief visit of Scaup.

Sticking with wildfowl a single Bewick's Swan made a appearance on Wednesday afternoon right in front of the Discovery Hide ~ 4pm before flying off with Whoopers.

Whooper to the left Bewick's Swan to the right

Still 1000+ Whooper Swan roosting. At least 3000 Pink-footed Geese this afternoon. Good numbers of Pintail, Wigeon and Teal still.

Short-eared Owl was picked up from the UU Hide looking out towards Outer Vinson's Marsh. First record of the year here. Two Barn Owl and the secretive Tawny Owl.

Raptors included 2 Marsh Harrier, 3 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk, Kestrel. Peregrine recently.

Great for waders with an exceptional count of 800+ Black-tailed Godwit enjoying this winters damper feeding conditions particularly out on Plover Field.

~ 120 Black-tailed Godwit
How many Black-tailed Godwit here? *answer below

More waders with 14 Avocet, 67 Oystercatcher, 50+ Ruff, 1000+ Lapwing, 6+ Common Snipe, Dunlin and on thursday Ringed Plover which is also an addition to the year list.



*over 120



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