Sedge Warbler

Glorious day after the early frost and mist disappeared. The first Sedge Warbler was in song on the Reed Bed Walk. Not the earliest we've had here in recent years or the latest. Plenty of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap in song around the reserve.

At least 50 Sand Martin feeding over the Reed Bed from the Harrier Hide early on and a few Swallow.

Common Sandpiper on the Mere and 3 'tundrea' race Ringed Plover (which are obviously smaller and darker) with 2 Dunlin. Other waders included 62 Avocet, 30+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20+ Lapwing, 10+ Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, 6+ Redshank, 8 Ruff and a few Common Snipe.

Today's raptors included Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 8+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

At least 4 Med Gull on and off on the Mere. Pair of Great-crested Grebe in front of the Harrier Hide.

Other sightings included Bullfinch by the Gladestone Hide, Great-spotted Woodpecker from the Janet Kear Hide also Reed Bunting showing well there. Barn Owl early on. Tawny Owl roosting.

Still 50+ Pink-footed Geese regularly on the reserve but perhaps as few as 6 Whooper Swan, mostly injured birds

Quite a few Brimstone Butterfly on the wing today.


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