Short-eared Owl

A notable influx of 'Shorties' into the UK in the past week and another sighting out on Woodend Marsh late afternoon of Short-eared Owl. As the nights continue to draw in Barn Owl can be seen from the Harrier Hide and it's not impossible to find Tawny Owls roosting on the Nature Trail as the leaves finally fall. On saying that the Tawny Owl can favour trees with much Ivy cover.

A count of 6 Marsh Harrier as perhaps the highest count we have had at Martin Mere during November. Other birds seen today included 2 Peregrine, 3+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Over 300 Whooper Swan roosting on the reserve and 10000+ Pink-footed Geese coming in from mid day onward. The Hale Hide gives an excellent view of the Whoopers and Pinks as the feed on waste potatoes.

The Starling numbers look to be increasing with perhaps as many as 30000 coming into roost.

A good count of Lapwing from the other day with 3200 present also 40+ Ruff, 20+ Common Snipe, Dunlin and Black-tailed Godwit.

A few flocks of Redwing and Fieldfare seen flying on the reserve. Goldcrests with the mixed tit flocks in the Wildfowl Gardens and along the Nature Trail. Good numbers of Tree Sparrow next to the Raines Observatory.

Kingfisher(s) from the Ron Barker Hide. Water Rails heard from the Janet Kear and Harrier Hides.


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