Short-eared Owl again

A Short-eared Owl was seen during the afternoon again, eventually giving good views from the Ron Barker Hide. Also at least 4 different Marsh Harrier, several Common Buzzard, a single Peregrine and a Merlin, as well as the usual Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Short-eared Owl record shot distantly (video grab: T. Disley)
Short-eared Owl distant record shot (video grab: T. Disley)

Other sightings today included 3000+ Pink-footed Goose, 400+ Whooper Swan, 37 Snipe, several Black-tailed Godwit, 60+ Ruff and 1000 Lapwing. Lots of Mallard, Teal, Wigeon and Pintail. Both Pochard and Tufted Duck on the Mere.

The usual Kingfisher was from Ron Barker Hide, also a Grey Wagtail was in front of the new hide on and off all day. Treecreeper was seen by the Janet Kear Hide and 2 probable Brambling were seen nearby.

At least 1 Stonechat on distant fenceposts.

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