Sightings Highlight

More summer fare as the nights start drawing in... Mostly about the breeding birds which currently are looking quite successful this year on the whole.

The Great-crested Grebes have three chicks and are viewable from the Harrier Hide. The Harrier Hide is a good spot to view the increasing numbers of Lapwing using the site, Grey herons and the occasional Little Egret. In poor weather Swift hunt low over the water here.

Little Ringed Plover have hatched 3 chicks viewable on Woodend Marsh and joining the Ringed Plover and Common Tern here with chicks of the own. If they are sensible they'll hang close to the Common Tern which are capable of chasing off most potetial predators.

A good spot also Avocet and the many fledged and near fledged chicks. Other waders around the site include 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 2 male Ruff in breeding plumage, 6+ Redshank and Common Snipe.

Barn Owl out hunting into the morning from the Ron Barker Hide. Cuckoo again yesterday. Tree Sparrows from the Kingfisher Hide and on the feeder next to the in focus shop.

Up to 12 spikes of Bee Orchid around the banking at the Harrier Hide.

Brilliant piece of video here of a family of Stoat on the Reed Bed Walk courtesy of Colin Bushell


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