Sightings Highlights

A bright day but a change in temperature as the Northerly airflow bring cool air over the UK. Interesting to note today good numbers of Swift feeding over the reserve in the afternoon.

Still 2 Knot present now for their 6th day(!) moulting into breeding plumage. Other waders included Greenshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Common Sandpiper, 29 Black-tailed Godwit, 11 Ruff (many in near breeding plumage), 30+ Avocet, 20+ Lapwing, 10+ Redshank and Oystercatchers.

The Reed Bed Walk is great for warblers at the moment with singing Sedge, Reed, Grasshopper and Willow Warblers as well as Whitethroat and Blackcap.

Sedge warbler on the Reed Bed Walk
Sedge Warbler on the Reed Bed Walk

Raptors included 2 Marsh Harrier, 4+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. The first Hobbies can't be too far off?

One of two Marsh Harrier present today
One of two Marsh Harrier present today

Other sighting included a 1cy Mediterranean Gull on the Mere, a flock of 4 Grey Heron (unwelcome for breeding birds), Little Egret, Corn Bunting at various locations on the edge of the reserve and a pair of Bullfinch by the Sewage Works.

Easily 70+ species in a full days birding.

Little Egret in front of the United Utilities Hide
Little Egret in front of the United Utilities Hide


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