Sightings Highlights

Early rain showers promised much but no reports of any species not present in recent days. The Little Stint continues to hang out on Woodend Marsh, today with up to 10 Dunlin some of which were obviously new arrivals. Little Ringed Plovers can show well from the Hale Hide out on Top Mere.

Much hatching is going on with the first Shelduck chick on the Mere today. Avocet chicks are popping out all over including one pair on Woodend Marsh with 5 young! A video featuring some of these can be seen here.

One or maybe two Cuckoo calling being heard from the UU and Ron Barker Hides.

A single adult breeding plumage Mediterranean Gull was being hassled by the Black-headed Gulls (many now with chicks).

Tree Sparrows active and showing well from the Kingfisher Hide.

As usual the Reed Bed Walk is the warbler hot spot.


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