Sightings Highlights

Loads of activity around the reserve at the moment mostly centered on breeding birds.

A great count of 34 Avocet chick today out on Woodend Marsh. How many of these will get to fledge is another question? Last year barely a handful escaped predation from mostly the attention of Grey Heron. So far local herons have been concentrating on small fry.

One of a couple of Avocet with 5 chicks
One of a couple of Avocet with 5 chicks

Other waders present included 4 Ringed Plover, 3 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Oystercatcher, 10+ Redshank, 20+ Lapwing.

Some excellent views of Sedge and Reed Warbler directly in front of the Harrier Hide. In general if you want to connect with all the current warblers present the Reed Bed Walk is best. Yesterday a Cetti's Warbler was seen from the Kingfisher Hide.

'phonescoped' Reed Warbler from the Harrier Hide
Reed Warbler from the Harrier Hide (another 'phonescoped' picture)

Loads of newly fledged birds being seen around the reserve including the first young Robin and Song Thrush. Out on the fields the Skylark are very active bring in food for their young.

Skylark carrying food in
Skylark carrying food in. (picture taken with telescope and phone!)

Other sightings included Marsh Harrier, the first for a while, Cuckoo from the Ron Barker Hide, Little Egret from the Harrier Hide, Raven out around the reserve. Barn Owl seen at 12pm from the United Utilities Hide, probably hunting to feed young.

Three 1st summer Little Gull and 2 adult Mediterranean Gull on the Mere this morning again.

Little Gulls on the Mere
Little Gulls on the Mere

The Great-crested Grebe now have an egg! The Common Tern pair are sitting on Woodend Marsh.

Little Egret and Grey Heron from the Harrier Hide
Little Egret and Grey Heron from the Harrier Hide

Banded Demoiselle and Four-spotted Chasers on the wing, the former being an unusual sighting here.

Four-spotted Chaser - Amy Sherwin
Four-spotted Chaser - Amy Sherwin





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