Signs of Spring..

Only a brief update. No wildfowl counts although big numbers of ducks are still frequenting the reserve and will do to the end of the month.

Signs of spring with this male Ruff developing into breeding plumage. A closer look at Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit on site will show many birds hinting at this.

Martin Mere is a great place to catch Ruff in breeding plumage. If females hang around into May then birds can even be seen doing 'Lekking Practice'.

Double figure Oystercatcher again signs of spring. The 1000+ Lapwing sensibly aren't in a hurry to get to there breeding spots until a little later. We can expect the first returning Avocet to occur any day soon.

Good for raptors with Merlin, Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk all represented today.

A flock of c20 Fieldfare flew across the reserve around midday.

See previous days for a fuller picture.

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