Six species of raptor

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Blustery showers early on followed by breezy sunshine. A quality raptor day with 6 species recorded. One or possibly 2 Hobbies seen today the first mid morning flew south over the reserve followed by another sighting mid afternoon hunting beyond Vinson's Marsh again drifting south. Two Marsh Harrier again today, 6+ Common Buzzard, 4 Kestrel, female Peregrine and 2 Sparrowhawk.

One of the Marsh Harrier flushed 2 Green Sandpiper from ditches out on the reserve. At least 150 Lapwing around, Avocet, 9 juvenile Ruff, Common Snipe and Black-tailed Godwits present.

A Water Rail was seen close in front of the Harrier Hide. Kingfishers seen in front of the Ron Barker Hide and on the pool in front of the Janet Kear Hide. It's worth looking in the Gladstone Hide as Kingfishers have been seen to use that area in the past.

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