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We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Some counts and scarce birds

Mostly rain on Wednesday and light winds. A compilation of the last couple of days sightings.

This mornings count produced just under 6000 Pink-footed Geese and 807 Whooper Swan. Some recent waste root crop deliveries on Top Mere have undoubtedly encouraged more swans onto the reserve.

Again continuing with daily sighting of six species of raptor; Merlin (male), 4+ Marsh Harrier, 3 Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Barn Owl out in the rain this morning and regular in the afternoon.

At least 700 Lapwing, 70+ Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit and double figure Snipe.

Lapwing and a seemingly never ending supply of earthworms plucked from the waterlogged ground in front of the in focus shop (Andy Bunting)

A couple of interesting birds yesterday with the arrival of a Great White Egret which hung around for a good while and a female Goosander that didn't! In recent years, Great Egret have been dropping in with some regularity. Goosander however continue to be rarer here, mainly due to the shallower water across the site.

Great Egret dropping in, with the Ron Barker Hide in the back ground

An interesting sighting on Monday with a probable pair of Bearded Reedling seen to fly into the base of some reeds near the Harrier Hide. It does seem we may have these birds lurking in the extensive reed bed in front of the Harrier Hide but 100% confirmation is proving as elusive as the birds!

Check out a few days of the previous sighting to get a fuller picture as to what can be seen on the reserve.

It should be possible to see over 60 species in a full days bird watching at Martin Mere. If you would like to know the best spots, up to date info or to report any sightings then please call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.

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