Spotted Redshank

An excellent day on site with over 70 species being seen, including a few new sightings, the highlight was a juvenile Spotted Redshank which spent all day on site and was still present this evening. Also a flock of 8 Ringed Plover with 2 Dunlin were brief visitors in the morning, also the juv Little Ringed Plover and 2 Green Sandpiper still present.

Juvenile Spotted Redshank which appeared early morning and was still present this evening though mobile (photo: T. Disley)
Juvenile Spotted Redshank which appeared early morning and was still present this evening though mobile (photo: T. Disley)

The two Whinchat from yesterday were joined by 2 Wheatear along the same fence line. Two Common Whitethroat and Reed Warbler were seen from Ron Barker Hide along with the Kingfisher.

A good day for raptors with Hobby, Merlin, Peregrine, 2 Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard being seen, the Merlin was hunting the large Goldfinch flock this evening but was chased off by a Sparrowhawk at one point.

Cloud Funnel in the distance this afternoon (photo: T. Disley)
A Cloud Funnel in the distance this afternoon (photo: T. Disley)

Elephant Hawkmoth Caterpillar walking across the path today (photo: T. Disley)
Elephant Hawkmoth Caterpillar walking across the path today (photo: T. Disley)

Martin Mere Map

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