
Very pleasant today indeed even if the wind did feel a little cold inside the hides. Locally the first Sand Martin are turning up although the best we could do today is Chiffchaff opposite the sewage works which has probably been present since January.

If you aren't too bored with Med Gulls at least two were present this morning.


A pair of Med Gull - Is it calling or yawning? Note the unreadable metal ring on the calling birds left leg.

Merlin blasting after something out towards Lord's Mere mid afternoon. At least 6 Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Kingfisher seen today. Two Tawny Owl showing before the Kingfisher Hide. Barn Owl out just before 4pm from the Ron Barker Hide.

A few Pink-footed Geese in with 1600 birds roosting.

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