Swift and other birds

Starting off with some late news from Saturday with the first sighting of Swift over the Reed Bed. We did have another today and although these cold Northerlies can't be great for these birds, they are such strong flyers they'll probably just go South until it warms up again! Also from Saturday a Cuckoo was seen on the North West boundary of the reserve.

It maybe cooler than average for this time of year but that isn't stopping the numerous Skylark from singing. These can be heard from the Ron Barker and United Utilities Hides and in the fields beyond the Sewage Works.

Martin Mere is a hot spot for Skylark
Martin Mere is a hot spot for Skylark

On the wader front 5 Dunlin in breeding plumage, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 40+ Avocet, 15+ Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 8 Redshank, 6+ Oystercatcher, 2 Common Sandpiper and a few Common Snipe.

Black-tailed Godwits feeding on Plover Field
Black-tailed Godwits feeding on Plover Field

Quiet on the raptor front with 4+ Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk the only reports today. A Tawny Owl was present between the Janet Kear and United Utilities Hides.

Other reports included 2 Grey Partridge, 2 Red-legged Partridge, Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail and Corn Bunting in fields opposite the reserve.

Four Wheatear in what shall now be called 'Wheatear Field'! (see yesterday's map)

Yellowhammer singing in mini copse between Long Hedge and Wheatear Field.

Pair of Great-crested Grebe and Little Grebes from the Harrier Hide.

Similar warbler numbers scattered around the reserve as of late.

In mammal news evidence of Water Voles were found and Stoat showed well from the Discovery Hide.

If you are visiting the reserve and would like extra details as the the best spots please call in at the in focus shop next to the new Discovery Hide and well be pleased to point you in the right direction.

It is currently possible to see over 70 species of wild birds in a day.




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