Tawny Owls

Another calm day making for excellent viewing. Two Tawny Owl were showing on the Nature Trail before the Kingfisher Hide. A few Common Buzzard display flying today a sure sign that spring is round the corner. Kestrel and Sparrowhawk present and Peregrines and Marsh Harrier again yesterday.

A few Common Snipe flying today probably moving around to find less frozen feeding areas. Less Lapwing than of late although these will return as milder condition return. At least 50 Ruff, 10 Black-tailed Godwit and a single Redshank.

Feeding stations are active with Long-tailed, Coal, Blue and Great Tits, loads of Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Tree Sparrow and Reed Bunting and a few Greenfinch.

At least 12 species of duck, geese and swan present.



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