Temminck's Stint

Missing last year, today Temminck's Stint makes a welcome return to the year list. Temminck's Stint was last recorded on the reserve in 2013 on the 17th May! The bird is currently (16:00) being seen from the Ron Barker Hide. More additions to the year list with 2 Little Stint on Woodend Marsh initially then 3 on Sunley's Marsh later on. Around 15 Dunlin in today.

Temminck's Stint in difficult to photograph conditions...
Temminck's Stint in difficult to photograph conditions...

A Great Crested Grebe in front of the Harrier Hide is the first record since 2012. They breed but a 'stones throw' from the reserve but are rarely recorded. Later on in the afternoon a second bird was found, perhaps a pair.

Great Crested Grebe from the Harrier Hide
Great Crested Grebe from the Harrier Hide

Many Avocet chicks on Woodend Marsh. A new 2nd Summer Med Gull with immature Black-headed Gull on the Mere this afternoon.

The 1st summer Little Gull was still present on Woodend Marsh this morning. Two Common Tern also on Woodend.

Tawny Owl by the Kingfisher Hide.

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