Temminck's Stint back again.

(Mr) Temminck's Stint is back again this afternoon out on Woodend Marsh, assuming it's not a brand new bird? It does beg the question as to where it has been hiding over the past couple of days?

Temminick's Stint... it's that blob in the middle.
Temminick's Stint... it's that blob in the middle... just slightly down and left...

Other species seen today include Cuckoo again from the Janet Kear Hide. Little Gull (1st summer) on the Mere and Woodend Marsh and a 2nd summer bird from the Ron Barker Hide in the afternoon. Three Little Ringed Plover and a few migrant Ringed Plover and Dunlin on the move. Two Med Gull again on the Mere. Two Great Crested Grebe in front of the Harrier Hide.

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