The news is back...

Apologies for the lack of updates over the past 7 day due to technical difficulties which should now be ironed out. You've not missed anything rare or unusual, at least as far as we know! The Martin Mere twitter account is great for instant bird news and if something rare is present it will normally be featured on the facebook page as well.

WWT Martin Mere Twitter

WWT Martin Mere Facebook page

Mid June news tends to be dominated by breeding birds, although returning passage migrants can start to appear, for example Green Sandpipers tend to make there first appearances on the reserve around this time.

Marsh Harrier again today. At least 6 Common Buzzard floating around the area, 2+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk seen today.

A flock of 40+ Black-tailed Godwit mostly out on Woodend Marsh.

Cuckoo seen twice today on the Canoe Safari. Also there Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat in song.

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