Three Species of Owl

A three species of owl day today (and yesterday) with Short-eared Owl out hunting beyond Plover Field, 2 Barn Owl early and late on and 2 Tawny Owl roosting along the Nature Trail.

Raptor action in the form of 4 different Marsh Harrier over the past couple of day. Peregrine, 3+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

Over 1000 Whooper swan roosting on the reserve. At least 3000 Teal to search through to find the Green-winged Teal which is likely to be present. Over 500 Wigeon and Shelduck although no full counts of late. Drake Goldeneye and 2 females on the Mere.

Quiet on the wader front if you can call 1000 Lapwing quiet! A few Common Snipe and 50+ Ruff.

Other species to note include Stonechat out on Plover Field, 50+ Tree Sparrow and a few Goldcrest along the Nature Trail. Up to 1000 Black-headed Gull on the Mere, also 2 adult Great Black-backed Gull.

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