Transit of Mercury

Transit of Mercury showed well at Martin Mere today.

Mercury in front of the Sun (the 10 o'clockish dot)
Mercury in front of the Sun (the 10 o'clockish dot)

Hottest day of the year with pretty much non stop sunshine and easterly winds. Clear condition aren't usually the best for bringing in new birds and most reports were of birds present for a couple of days.

Peak wader passage is still with us with a few Tundra Ringed Plover seen around the reserve. Greenshank and Common Sandpiper moving between Woodend Marsh and the Mere. Potential breeding birds included 4 Little Ringed Plover. Breeders include 30+ Avocet, 20+ Lapwing, 10+ Redshank and a few Oystercatcher. Both Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit were represented.

Greenshank on Woodend Marsh
Greenshank on Woodend Marsh

A well marked female Marsh Harrier was seen in the morning at least. Four Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Other reports included a pair of Common Tern on Woodend Marsh.

Some interesting weather on Tuesday and Wednesday as a rain front heads North over this area with a continuing easterly air flow. Certainly the time to get out a do some birding!



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