Tundra Bean Geese again

Another calm day making birding on the reserve a pleasure. A quality goose day with two Tundra Bean Geese, one adult and one juvenile and not associating with one another. It's certainly possible that the adult bird is different from the pair seen here on Monday.

In among the Pink-footed Geese flock a single Barnacle Goose and a Greylag, the latter always peaking interest in the possibility that it maybe of Icelandic origins. Of course unless the bird is ringed we'll never know!

A good raptor day with 3 Peregrine, 2 adult and a juv, 2+ Marsh Harrier, 4 Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Peregrine spots potential food (photograph @SkeinNature / Graham Clarkson)
Peregrine spots potential food (@SkeinNature / Graham Clarkson)

New Whooper Swans with 22 on the Mere this morning. Seven Pochard also on the Mere possibly new birds as the cool weather sweeps across Europe.

Kingfisher again from the Ron Barker Hide. Grey Wagtails on the Mere in front of the in focus shop.

Grey Heron eats Mole (@SkeinNature / Graham Clarkson)
Grey Heron eats Mole (@SkeinNature / Graham Clarkson)


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