
The spring build up of waders continues with the first Ringed Plover on Thursday in Plover field which is currently excellent for feeding waders. A spectacular flock of at least 827 Black-tailed Godwit were present also on Thursday, which didn't quite eclipse the record site count of 1075 in 1987. Other waders included 57 Oystercatcher, 63+ Ruff and 10 Avocet including a colour ringed bird.

part of the spectacular flock of 827+ Black-tailed Godwit in flight over the Mere (photo: T. Disley)
part of the spectacular flock of 827+ Black-tailed Godwit in flight over the Mere (photo: T. Disley)

Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese are using the reserve at the moment with 3-4000 over the past couple of days.

A male Redpoll was seen near Janet Kear Hide, female Stonechat out on the fence lines.

Still at least 2 Barn owl can be seen from Ron Barker Hide and the 2 Tawny Owls nearby in the Ivy.

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