Waders and Raptors

With the July 'doldrums' behind us we can look forward to the migration season developing ahead. At WWT Martin Mere that will be obvious on the wader front as adult and juvenile birds leave arctic breeding grounds to move south.

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Click on map to enlarge

A nice selection of birds available today with Green Sandpiper on the Mere early on and a juvenile Common Sandpiper on Vinson's. At least 8 Little Ringed Plover present mostly juvs, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 300+ Lapwing, Dunlin(juv), Common Snipe and a Golden Plover over calling. Two Avocet still behaving like they are protecting chicks out on Woodend Marsh.

A good raptor day with Hobby over Vinson's in the afternoon, 2 Marsh Harrier (adult female and juv), 4 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel.

Sparrowhawk on the Mere wondering were the Snipe disappeared to.
Sparrowhawk on the Mere wondering were the Snipe disappeared to.

Cuckoo (juv) again from the Ron Barker Hide. A Willow Warbler in song near by in the morning will be a migrant moving south. At least 9 Grey Heron and 100+ Teal.

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